MOHH Group Whistleblowing

Q: Why should I blow the whistle on misconduct?

A: To help make MOHH Group a fair, safe and honest place to work. Misconduct can have a negative effect on the work environment and reputation. By reporting misconduct you can help save money by detecting fraud and ensure people are secure and safe in the work environment.

Q: Can I be anonymous?

A: Whether you want to stay anonymous or not when you contact the whistleblowing service is up to you - you can stay anonymous or you can tell whistleblowing service who you are. Sometimes you may not be able to remain anonymous as your identity may be apparent to the whistleblowing service or MOHH Group from the information you give.

MOHH Group whistleblowing service will try and ensure that you remain anonymous if you choose to do so. The whistleblowing service will keep any information you give about yourself confidential within the whistleblowing service. MOHH Group whistleblowing service will also disclose it if required by law to do so.

Q: What happens when I make a call?

A: Telephone calls to MOHH Group whistleblowing service are not recorded, nor is there a caller ID to identify the call. You are not required to provide your name to the whistleblowing service unless you wish to do so. Your report will be known only by a reference number unless you choose to tell the whistleblowing service your name.

Q: What do I need to tell MOHH Group whistleblowing service?

A: Tell the whistleblowing service as much as you can. For example:

  • Names of people involved
  • Names of any witnesses
  • Date, time and location of the misconduct
  • Details of any proof
  • Money or assets involved
  • How often the incident has happened

Q: What if I suspect something is wrong, but I am not sure?

A:  It is not expected you will know every detail. Reporting what you do know is enough. Most reported cases are uncovered through tips from honest people who are not sure of their facts.

Q: Will I be involved after I report an incident?

A: Once you have made your report, you will not need to be involved in the report any further. However, if you have new or additional information, or would like to make an adjustment to a previous report, you can log onto the website with your reference number and password provided when you submit your initial report. Alternatively, you can call the service and quote the reference number.

Q: How soon will MOHH Group be notified after a call is reported?

A: MOHH Group whistleblowing service will provide a report to a dedicated representative base on the entity within three business days of your call. If you report something of critical importance to the whistleblowing service, it will be reported to MOHH Group as soon as possible.

Q: Do I get rewarded for reporting misconduct?

A: No, there is no reward for reporting misconduct to the whistleblowing service.

Q: How many times can I contact MOHH Group whistleblowing service?

A: You can contact the whistleblowing service as many times as you want to report suspected misconduct.

Q: Are law enforcement agencies notified of reports made to MOHH Group Whistleblowing?

A: The information reported to MOHH Group whistleblowing service is forwarded to the representative(s) who is responsible for addressing misconduct. If he or she decides corrective action is necessary, then they may notify the appropriate law enforcement agency if this is appropriate.

Q: Will there be an investigation process after each report is made?

A: Whether there is an investigation depends on a number of factors including the information provided, the details, documentation and MOHH Group company policy. MOHH Group will decide what action is required when they receive the report.

Q: What personal information will whistleblowing service collect about you or others?

A: When you call the whistleblowing service, your personal details will be collected should you wish to provide them, as well as any other relevant information about anyone else involved in the conduct.

Q: How will the whistleblowing service use or disclose personal information?

A: The whistleblowing service will only use and disclose personal information in providing this service to you and MOHH Group. MOHH Group whistleblowing service will disclose information it collects to MOHH Group so they can act on your report and as required by law or a regulatory authority. You will be protected from any form of reprisal arising from your use of this whistleblowing service.